Hey, I'm ArZi
Dedicated web dev. Faithful to Next.js. Good friend with Python.
Technology geek
icon component
Arkadiusz Ogryzek
About career
Currently, I am writing the most in React. Recently I started to abuse Next.js terribly and I must admit that it is giving back. It's just a more polished React. I love SCSS, the number of options it extends compared to CSS is remarkable. Sometimes I touch Python, be it to some problem beyond React's capabilities or to data structures / algorithms / other problems. Simplicity makes it so much easier. I am also the proud owner of passed EE.08 and EE.09 exams.
About me
I am now 19 years old, I have recently finished a high-school with an IT profile. I love programming. I train often in the gym. In my spare time I watch YT or play games. I also love listening to music, mainly hip-hop. I can also say that I am a beginner car enthusiast.
About future
First, I'd like to master full-stack development. As I wrote, I would like to be able to create an entire functioning website by myself. I also want to get to a fairly high level in competetive programming, it combines my passion for programming and being competitive. In the future, I would definitely like to touch on artificial intelligence and cybersecurity. My own business in the future is inevitable, but we have time for that, first I would like to get to know the industry from the inside from a safe position.
Check out my GitHub for all of them or click on one !
Responsive site displaying two dynamic lists with data acquired from SpaxeX REST API, done in Next.js, styled in SCSS
App letting you log in, register, show all users or delete any of them while updating all data constantly in MongoDB using Express.js server. Front-end done in clear React.
Flask API which scrapes and returns cryptocurrency news, for the project Exchange.
[IN PROGRESS] Cryptocurrency market app containing functions such as listing cryptocurrencies, showing detailed data about a given cryptocurrency or news from the world of cryptocurrencies.
All data structures, algorithms and programming problems which I have studied and tried to understand. All files are in Python, in most cases documented and ready to use.
My first project in React, written in old class components. Also first time used SCSS. Project at the moment is not possible to run due to old dependencies.
Script checking how many times your password leaked/was breached using haveibeenpwned.com API and good old Python.
Python script printing in console last 30 tweets of any user (default Eminem) using Twitter API.
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